其它 2022 劇情/愛情
咪咪屢屢在女孩團體裏衝突闖禍,樂可卻總困惑於自己能夠愛誰。即將迎來一場大賽的艾瑪苦練多年滑冰,卻始終無法克服最難的招式。在即將到來的三個禮拜中,三人彷彿經歷一場場搖晃又旋轉的時光。做愛與戀愛、相聚或分離、交心或冷戰,不間斷地演練與挫折,宛如踩進一箇不時短路的青春循環。 芬蘭導演艾莉.哈帕塞洛以週記式的敘事結構,探究女孩成長過程中,時而直率、時而反覆不安的情感特色,直接卻不帶批判。透過靈動的攝影與樂曲,將少女獨有的親密和芥蒂描摹得淋漓盡致。三個年輕演員各有鮮明個性,幽微投射慾望、親子與人際難題,一次次將觀衆拋向點餐檯、溜冰場、派對舞池,與城市的寂寥黑夜。隨着影片起舞,仿似也重新回味了青春時代的溫度和或許未完成的人生軌跡。 Best friends Mimmi and Rönkkö want to live adventurous lives, loaded with experiences and passion. Emma, on the contrary, has given her whole life to figure skating. Nothing gets between her and success. But when the girls meet, life opens whole new paths, and they all rocket in new directions. While Mimmi and Emma experience the earth moving effects of first love, Rönkkö is on a quest to find pleasure. Three Fridays is all it takes to turn their worlds upside down. It kind of became my mission to depict girls in a much more complex and realistic way than we are used to seeing in cinema. And to create a film where girls are valued as exactly who they are. – Alli Haapasalo